
Taylor's Ballet!
Zac's Driving!
Isaac,whats that?
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Disclaimer/About me

This page is a disclaimer, and about me!

Alright...If you get offended by anything on this page...Then be offended! Alright? Okay, anything I say on this page is very un-true. It's all made up in my sick and very twisted head. Dont believe anything I say...I mean If I say Taylor was eaten by a one eyed one horn flying purple people eater...Please dont go on Hanson.net and start somthing thats soooo not true. I mean if I say Marit broke up with Isaac to go out with Zac (which would be funny) it would be a lie, cause ya know what!? I'm good at that!lol... Anyways, please dont send me email saying my page is discusting, and it offends you because I dont mean to offend anyone. This is here for my enjoyment, and other's for a good laugh. Alright then? Alright then!

This is the only good part on this whole web site!
(besides the disclaimer)
My name is: Stacy
My age is: 16
My gender is: Last time I checked...Female
My Favorite color is: Blue
My Fave Hanson brother: wait thats errelivant...
I live in : Crystal River, Florida (Go Siminoles!)
I go to school at: Crystal River High School!(Go Pirates!)
I dis like cheer leaders, although I am one! I do it because I like to dance, and we have no dance classes here in what I call instead of Crystal River, Cripple Creek. (lots of old people here) So I had to resort to a cheer leader! woohoo! (NOT) Anyways, I play in the band also, cause I have passion for music. The instrument I play is Clarinet. But I also play this stuff out side of school...Piano...and my newest pride, my Ibanez Acoustic-Electric Guitar! Oh, yes...I would like to say I cant wait till I get out of this hell hole I call home...Cause I will be free...except for the bills I'll have to pay...anyways! Check out this page! Damn you! Quit sitting here...I said stop...leave! God!!!

I guess I'm suppose to put down here Hanson rocks or somthing...